Stress Relief, Reduced Seasonal Ailments, IncreasedHealing, ImprovedFocus, Improved air quality. It not only absorbs carbon dioxide but it releases oxygen at night, which make it ideal for bedrooms. It can also help us sleep well.
How to care:
Cattleya orchids will thrive in a commercial growing mix made specifically for orchids.When grown outdoors cattleya orchids can be slab-mounted, a technique in which the orchid is manually attached to a tree host. To mount the orchid,wrap the roots in moss; wire the plant on top of a shelf.
It require a moderate amount of moisture, typically a weekly watering is sufficient.
Light and Shade:
Cattleyas need abundant though not intense light in order to grow and flower well.
Cattleyas thrive with a day temperature range between 70- and 80-degrees F.
The takeaway:
If you want a plant that
Is easy to look after
Have air improve ability
Comes with health benefits
No harmful for pets
Then cattleya orchid is a great pick for you.
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